Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nothing new...

I know...I haven't updated in a while. My computer crashed (BOO!) and I just got it back today...a week later. Not a lot has happened since my last post. I took a 2 week break from my diet...and stayed within my 2-3lbs yo-yoing (somehow?). I started back today and so far so good. I actually have had my 8 glasses of water...which is a miracle.

During my huge break from blogging...I was nominated for my first award (Yay!!). it goes. :)

Here's the instructions:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Paste the award on your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you for the award
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 7 bloggers or less
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated.

I will be skipping 5 and 6 since everyone who follows me has already received the award.

Thanks, Tiffy!!

1. I'm terrified of heights/flying. I remember when I was like 8 or 9 years old my family was in Pigeon Forge and was going to pay to ride in a helicopter, we had already paid and were next in line...and I FREAKED OUT!!! Needless to say...we didn't ride.

2. I never really knew what I wanted to be when I was little. I mean...I played doctor, teacher, mommy etc. but never really knew what I wanted to be (my favorite was house/being the mommy). When I was in high school I was told by my ex I wouldn't have to work...that I could just be "barefoot and pregnant". HAHA!! Boy, how things have changed!!

3. I said I wanted to be a sign language interpreter in high school...not really meaning it. At the time I was working at the daycare and we had a little boy who had down syndrome. He used very little sign to communicate...and was the absolute cutest child I have ever seen!! He was my favorite kid there!! So, I started learning sign to communicate with him simple words like eat, milk, please, and so on. During teacher cadet class we had to teach the class something and have a lesson plan with it explaining how we learned what we were teaching and why we wanted to do it. I taught the class how to sign "Jesus Loves Me"...and later became a sign language interpreter. It's crazy how things work out...My second year interpreting, his aide was the mother of the students I interpreted for.

4. I have 3 tattoos and 2 piercings. My first tattoo I got when my husband and I had been dating about 9 months. Its two small butterflies (yes...a tramp stamp). One of the main reasons I broke up with my ex is because I lost my butterflies for him. So Nathan bought me my first tattoo so he would always give me butterflies. Cheesey I know! The second, our monogram in pink and white on the top of my back/lower neck. My most recent I got just for me...a treble clef and bass clef making a heart on the inside of my wrist. I have my tongue and navel pierced...most of the time I keep my tongue ring out because of work...but it doesn't grow back. Already have my next tattoo picked out and planning to get my nose pierced this summer with our niece, Alex. :)

5. I just started wearing nail polish like a few months ago. As a little girl...I bit my nails. As an adult...I didn't like the way it felt. I love having long nails or acrylic nails. Just recently I started painting my nails and love how my nails look painted (crazy...I know!). Being a sign language interpreter I'm not suppose to have my nails painted crazy colors but right now I mostly like bright pinks, reds, and dark purples. Needless to nails are usually paint free during the week. :(

6. Since I was little I said I wanted three kids, two biological and one adopted (from China). I even had a name picked out for the Chinese daughter I always wanted...Halle Grace, BUT during the first couple of weeks of dating Nathan...I found out his mom's cousin had just adopted a little girl from China...and her name...Halle Grace of course. Right now I'm not really sure if we will ever be able to afford international adoption of any sort...especially from China. Maybe domestic adoption through foster care is right for us? I guess only time will tell...

7. The first night I met Nathan I knew I would end up dating him. Well...those weren't my EXACT words but we won't get into that. ;) We were both dating other people at the time and it took almost a year for me to come to my senses.

Well...I guess that's it for today. Have a great week. :)


  1. Hrm...I think you first said he made an ass of himself?? hahaha!

  2. That's what I said today. haha. No...on the way home from first meeting him...I said, "I'd do him." haha.

  3. haha! I do remember that now! But, I remember it wasn't long after that you told him he made an ass of himself for lying to the guys! haha!
