Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bella's b-day... yesterday was Bella's birthday. I can't believe she's already 2! We all met up at Mr. Gattis for dinner. It was a blast!! Josh's family and then some of our family that can't make it Saturday came. I took Shealyn...which was suppose to be a surprise...BUT...she was so excited about going...when she got to daycare yesterday morning...that was the first thing she told Ashley...too cute!! Sweet little mellow Shea...was absolutely bouncing off the walls!!! I had NEVER seen her that way! She was sooo hyper. And guess who I had to thank for lovely sister. They had happy cake at daycare. I told Shea's foster mom how hyper she was...and she said she was "hell baby" last week because all the cookies...cake...and candy they had for Valentine's Day. Who knew that sugar really does have that kind of effect on kids...j/k! anyway. Bella was sooo excited for her birthday. I called her yesterday while I was at work to tell her happy birthday. All she could do was laugh and say...happy happy!!! Shea Shea? haha. She wanted me to talk to Shea Shea. I swear she is too cute!! No one gave her gifts yesterday because her party is Saturday, except Wrynn. She bought Bella the absolute cutest shirt. It had Abby Cadabby (which Bella is obsessed with!), a big I, and her name on it. Isabella absolutely loved it!!!! It was sooo sweet!! She had to put it on that every second! It was suppose to be for her she somehow...kept it clean. haha.

anyways. I heard wonderful news about Shea's situation. She's a foster kid. I'm not sure if you caught that earlier. But...her foster parents are dying to adopt her. Social Service's had a visit with her yesterday and her Dad has terminated his rights. Now...her birth mom (who has 5 other kids...and just had a baby 3 months ago...found out social services was going to take it too...and moved to Michigan) has now given the option to either terminate her rights to Shea so she will have the opportunity to be in the most recently born baby's life...or they are going to wait until she screws up again...which she will...then social services will terminate her rights to ALL her kids. Either way...bad news for her...good news for Shea! I swear...she is such a good kid. If they wouldn't adopt her...I would! When I dropped her off last night she broke my heart. She cried and cried. And ya wonder ya I have such awful baby fever...haha. All these great kids that I get to keep. I know Bella can be a brat...but...she loves her Me-Me. Shea...I'm not just's..."My Amy" haha. Bella and Shea are the best of friends. I know its a little far fetched...but...I hope they stay that way. They will probably end up being those 2 girls in high school...that hate each other...but secretly they are just totally jealous of the other. haha.Who knows...I guess only time will tell.

Monday, February 16, 2009

sickened... you probably already read...a preacher in Big Stone Gap was arrested for masturbating in public. Well...I have signed at that church for about 4 years until recently, when they told me I was no longer needed. To read it on was totally sickening. I was completely speechless. The graphic detail the coalfield went into was way too much for me. I had a really hard time concetrating at work today because it. I found out...on my own...first thing this morning. I have had thousands of questions running through my mind all day long. Why? Has anything else happened or has anything happened similar to this in the past at his other churches?? Has he sexual offended anyone at church...his own children? What in the world was he thinking? masturbating to men and children's underwear packages?? What is going to happen to the church? Shew...what a rough day!! I can't keep my mind off of it. On top of all of this...the pianist at the church passed away this weekend. God love that church. Thank God they told me I was no longer needed...I don't know if I could go back and sign for him preaching (if he is still doing so). But...hopefully he will be punished just like any other sex offender. UGH! What a sicko!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's been 11 days... knew I wouldn't post everyday...but...I thought I would post at least...2 or 3 days a week...not every 11 days. sorry.

Yesterday was really nice. Nathan and I went to Sevierville to the Flea Market and the Bass Pro Shop. I absolutely LOVE going to the flea market down there. I know I know...when you think of going to the flea think of people trying to sell you their crap. Not this least not ALL the booths. On the way down...I went to get something out of my purse (that I have trying to replace forever) and noticed all this candied apple red lip gloss EVERYWHERE.'s candied apple red...I obviously don't ever wear was a lot. I had planned on buying a purse when I got the flea market was manditory. So...I got a coach purse...from some little old asian guy in the goofiest hat. That was my Valentine's Day gift from Nathan...the kind I like the best...I got to pick it out. haha. I'm not exactly sure what was going on down there this weekend...but...the flea market was packed. There was people everywhere. I bet we saw about 20 puppies for sale. I fell in love with this toy poodle that weighed 3.5 lbs. (full grown). I begged to get him...but...with 3 dogs, 3 puppies, a cat...and a fish...I think we have enough animals to feed and clean up after. I don't have any recent picture of Sophie and Brutus but...the pictures below are from last year around this time. I don't have any picture of Maverick after he has been groomed...he's a little ADHD.

Anyway...back to Valentine's Day. So...after the flea market we went to BPS...which is not my favorite...but it is Nathan's so...I try to be fair...and let him have his time looking around. We ate at Islamorada Fish Company...which is alway awesome! While we were eating...I tried to get Nathan to take me back to the flea market and get the was getting ready to close...not that he would let me get him anyway. That's pretty much it. When we got home I was sooo tired...I just like 8:00...yeah...I know. I haven't had my b12 shot in like 2 or 3 months...and I'm suppose to have it once a month...oops...soo...needless to say...I sleep all the time...again. Well...I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone had an awesome Valentine's Day...and a great weekend! :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I worked at the daycare today...which was a total nightmare! I only work there when Ashley is really short handed. Of course...the girl I had to open with was 15 minutes late...and I didn't have a key (what a way to start the morning). We had 2 or 3 parents outside waiting for daycare to open when she decided to show up for work. This girl is AT LEAST 15 minutes late everyday...and instead of firing sister makes excuses for her. I seriously wish Ashley would just sell half the daycare to me...we could be partners...and none of the stuff the employees get away with would happen. After she arrives 15 minutes late, one of the parents...who is a northerner...and pretty much says whatever is on her mind....told her to "hurry your (talking to the girl who was late) little butt up and get in the daycare...I'm going to be late for work." haha!! I loved it!! I just looked at the parent...who I know fairly well...and just said...I know...she's 15 minutes late and I'm pissed. So...we finally get out of the freezing cold...and she just stands there...does absolutely nothing with the kids...and talks on her cell phone the whole time. It was actually humorous...because I know she was talking about me...(probably to her mom)...because she would try to hide and like whisper. oh well. Anyway. Until Ashley got there we had 16 kids and 2 teachers that were pissed off at eachother. It took me until during nap time to even talk to her. I didn't want to fuss at her for being late...I felt that it wasn't really my place...because I don't work there on a regular basis. But...she just left me there...absolutely helpless. It would have been different if she had an emergency. She knew she had to work this morning the same time I did. Another thing that really bothered me today...was 2 of the other workers didn't work because they couldn't get out. Ok...if you drive a 4 wheel drive truck...and a 4 wheel drive Ford should be able to get out. I drive a Chevy Aveo for crying out loud...and my hill is a bitch to get up and down...especially in 5 inches of snow. I dunno...sometimes I feel sorry for my sister...and then other times...I realize she has pretty much brought this on herself.

On a positive note...I made Isaac laugh out loud today! :) I was really excited about it. But...of course...everytime I tried to show Ashley...he wouldn't do it. oh well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nothing new...

I am pretty much bored with all aspects of my life right now. Everything is the same from day to day. I go to work and do the same things I did the day before. I come home...same ole' same ole'. Nothing ever out of the ordinary. Recently, nothing is working out for us. We have been looking to buy a real house basically since we got married. We were extremely close to having a really nice home...but...of course...we hit a roadblock. I know that God puts roadblocks in everyone life's for a reason...its just hard accepting not being able to get what you want when you want it. We have only been married for a year and four months...and...I'm just ready to move forward...start a real life...have our own family. I have baby fever extremely bad right now...but...we both agreed that it would be best to buy a house first...get settled...then start a family. Its just soo hard waiting. I guess all good things come in time.