Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, September 13, 2010

I've been tagged!

My BFF, Mrs. B, tagged me in this game.

Here's what you do- answer the eight questions that the person who tagged you made up, then make up your own NEW eight questions to tag others to answer. Whoever I tag will answer the eight questions I make up for them, then they create a new set of eight questions to tag a few others with, and so on.

But, since I practically have no followers...I won't be tagging anyone else or creating a new set of questions.

1. What's the one place you want to visit before you die?
Europe. I had the opportunity to go in High School and my parents gave me the choice between Europe and a car. I took the car. haha.

2. What's your dream job? To be a stay at home mom.

3. Are you doing it? nope...I'm not sure we would be able to afford if we did have kids. :(

4. Who is one person you look up to? I have to agree with Ashley, everyone that is close to me has certain qualities that I admire.

5. What's your favorite holiday and why? Christmas. I love pretty much everything about it! The shopping, the hustle and bustle, spending time with the family, the weather, the music, and most importantly the reason for the season. :)

6. If you could go back in time, what era would go to? hrm. I have no idea...

7. If you could have dinner with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be? Judy Garland (I'm a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan) and Channing Tatum (just because he's gorgeous!!).

8. Annnnnd what's your favorite color? :) Pink!!

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