Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm a Slacker!!

So, this past week I haven't been doing so great with my diet, but I plan to change that tomorrow. This weekend alone I hate to know how many calories I have consumed. Between eating out at Riverfront for my bday (more than a month ago) and ordering pizza today, all we have done is ate out. I also haven't been drinking enough water. I like water...just not enough to drink 8 glasses of it everyday. But...tomorrow is a new day. I HAVE to get rid of this weight! The first week I started I lost 5 pounds and was super shocked (and thrilled!). This past week I only lost 2 pounds, which is better than gaining...which is what I thought had happened. Starting tomorrow I'm gonna *hopefully* start walking after work. The forcast is definately not in my favor though. :( I have countless fitness dvd but for some reason I can't bring myself to do them. I actually bought a new one when I started sparkpeople and watched it...that's it. UGH! I hate feeling like this, So fat and so LAZY!! I'm blaming it on the weather...the lazy part at least!

Everything is pretty much the same with the PCOS...other than I tested positive 10 straight days on an ovulation test (which isn't normal!). During my last visit he recommended I start using OPK to predict ovulation. So, being a good patient, I did. I had used ovulation tests in the past and never had that many positives (at first I thought it was the medicine he had me on)! The first couple of days, I got negatives (expected). Then...I had 10 straight days of positive results. I did a little research to see what that meant, It meant one of two things: I was pregnant...or I had PCOS. I called the dr's office and they told me that my medicine would take 1-3 months to take affect and to take a HPT. So...I did, of course, BFN! I knew it would be...but it was still disappointing. I still wanna think it was too early to tell (which it was like...2 1/2 weeks before missed period). So..I guess there is still a chance I could be...but...I'm pretty certain I'm not. I guess we'll just keep trying. ;)

Monday, January 11, 2010


As a part of my New Year's Resolution, I am participating in SparkPeople. I have a calorie intake limit of 1200-1500. To my surprise I am having a really hard time eating enough. I'm not sure if it's the medicine or just me trying to watch what I've been eating, but there have been a few days that I have been below my range. :( Also, I find it extremely hard to drink the 8 glasses of water a day. I like water alright, its just really hard for me to drink that much. I swear, I feel like I can hear it swooshing around in my stomach...yuck! My weigh in days are Thursday's and I'm hoping for at least 2 pounds, more would be nice, but 2 pounds will make me proud. At work, we are having the "biggest loser" contest (I am not participating). Everyone who is participating paid in $50, the contest will last for 3 months and the winner get 75% of the money and second place gets 25%. So, I'm not doing it alone at work...which makes it ten times easier. This morning I walk in and the first thing I get to hear about is how two of the teacher I interpret for lost 8 pounds since Wednesday..that's each...not combined! UGH!!! Yeah, they are bigger guys therefore they have more to lose, but it's still discouraging. :( Don't get me wrong...I'm happy for them...just sad for me. Oh..the reason why I'm not participating is well, the reason why I wanted to lose weight is to get pregnant. I really didn't want to put in $50 to hopefully lose. haha. I'm thinking what will probably happen to me is I will get to my goal weight and get pregnant, if I stick with the diet that long. haha

By the way--right now, at this very husband is sitting beside me taunting me with a peanut butter cup milkshake. My biggest cream. My favorite milkshake...peanut butter. Horrible Hubby!!!

I know we were really young, but this is what I want to look like again. (Baker has ruined almost every single picture Nathan and I have together. haha)

I love my hair in this one! Umm...maybe a reward for losing weight or getting knocked up?? haha.

I hope everyone has a good evening!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 is.

So...I went to the doctor yesterday...and indeed I do have PCOS. Which...I am actually ok with. I finally know what's wrong with me! The doctor seems very optimistic about me getting pregnant...which is nice. I had to have a surprise ultrasound ( know where), but he showed me everything and explained what everything was and what its job was. I ovaries look like the "poster child" for PCOS. They looked exactly like every picture of PCOS ovaries that I have seen on the internet. Just to give everyone an idea of what PCOS looks like, there is a picture below. I know...its a little wierd with the lady standing there, but it was the only image that I could find with a healthy ovary and a PCOS ovary.

I love my doctor! I think he could tell I was a little nervous about everything, because when he was finished with everything he said...", just go out and get pregnant for me." haha. he is walking out of the room he says "if you see me out in public don't give me credit for it." I didn't get it at first...I just kinda fake laughed and just sat there on what reminded me of a puppy pad (I guess that's just the past dog breeder in me). He stood in the doorway...and then comes back in and shuts the door and tells me..."no, really. I was in Kroger one day...and across the store I hear this woman, who was one of my patients, say...that's the man who got me pregnant". HAHAHAHA And of all the things that he could have responded with...he said..."with her husband's sperm." Too funny!!

He did put me on Glucophage...which I haven't had any horrible side effects from...YET. I hope and pray that I don't! I can handle stomach upsets...headaches...even nausea, but I CANNOT handle male pattern baldness. I shed like a dog anyway with my extremely thick hair, now knowing that hair loss is a side effect of the meds and PCOS...everytime I get out of the shower I look to see if I have lost a significant amount if hair. I have been reading on different blogs and most women haven't had any problems with hair loss...but there have been a few. Most women just praise the fact that they have lost weight while using it (which will be welcomed :). Tonight, after dinner I did feel a little queasiness. But, I read (after I had already had dinner) eating starchy foods will make you feel that way. Lesson learned. I'm not complaining...I can handle nausea.

If we don't have school tomorrow I will try to take some pictures of the house and have a new house post. :)

I hope everyone had a terrific Tuesday! :)